Wedding season is in full swing over here, and I'm so happy to report that its been a busy couple of weeks for me!
A couple weeks back I had the pleasure of meeting Kevin and Jason and their sweet friends who travelled all the way from Alabama to get married at the Brass Key Guesthouse in Provincetown, MA.
They just warmed my heart, their ceremony was so sincere, their friends: just darling. I hope you enjoy their sweetness as much as I did.
First we headed out to Race Point for some pre-ceremony photos...So lovely there,
Then it was back to the Brass Key Guesthouse for their intimate ceremony...

After the ceremony Kevin and Jason and their friends went for a walk down Commercial Street, receiving tons of well wishes, well deserved compliments and attention!
Of course no wedding day is complete with out some jumping shots, this gang decided to turn it up a notch and test their team work with hands held....
Congratulations to Kevin and Jason! Thank you for inviting me to come along and get to know you!
Thanks for peeking! A.